sábado, 28 de julio de 2012

Un Té de Locos....... A Mad Tea Party

Estoy terminando de ordenar y limpiar un poco la casa

I have been cleaning the house and getting it ready

Ya que participo por primera vez en el "Mad Tea Party" (Té de locos) organizado por Vanessa, de A Fanciful Twist, que ya va por su quinta edición.

I am joining for the first time the 5 th Annual  "Mad Tea Party" hosted by Vanessa, from A Fanciful Twist.

"A Mad Tea Party" ("Un té de locos") es el capítulo 7 de la novela “Alicia en el país de las maravillas”, que fue escrita por Lewis Carroll (seudónimo de Charles Lutwidge Dodgsonen) en 1865 y es un clásico de la literatura,  no sólo de la infantil

"A Mad Tea Party" is chapter 7 of  Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, written by LewisCarroll (pen-name of Charles Lutwidge Dodgson) in 1865 and is a piece of classic literature, not only for children 

No es casualidad que elija una cuchara con un conejo. La Liebre de Marzo o Liebre Marceña es uno de los personajes que acompaña a Alicia

This spoon with a rabit has not been chosen by chance. March Hare is one of the characters that share the tale with Alice

Pero para que empiece la fantasía y pueda llegar el té con todos los personajes, Alicia encontró una llave y por suerte, yo tengo una igual! 

Alice found a key to open the door to fantasy and imagination. Fortunately, I have a similar one!

Así que ya podemos abrir la puerta y empezar los preparativos para este gran té con varios invitados.
Por supuesto pondremos nuestros mejores manteles

So let's open the door and get ready for the tea with many guests.
And, of course, we will use our favourite tablecloths

 un lindo juego de té

a nice tea set

Claro, no pueden faltar cosas ricas para acompañar este té

Sweets are a must in every tea

Por suerte colaboran los gatos cocineros

Luckily we had the help of the baker-cats   

porque estas otras gatas se sumaron muy entusiastas pero sólo se dedican a tomar, comer y mucha charla...

because these ones are very enthusiastic but only drinking, eating and chatting...

Con la colaboración de todos la mesa quedó muy linda

Thanks to everyone's help, here is the pretty tablescape 

y no descuidaron ningún detalle

and they took care of every detail

Pero nada de té formal, no no no... todos los invitados estuvieron muy divertidos.
Algunos fueron hasta el estanque para dar de comer a los patos

But this is not a formal tea, no no no...all the guests had a lot of fun.
Some of them went to the pond to feed the ducks

mientras otros saltaban en el agua 

while others splashed

otros jugaban a subirse a caballito 

some play piggyback

qué tal un partido de badminton?

what about a badminton game?

Claro que después de tanta actividad algunos quisieron un rato más tranquilo

After so many activities some guests wanted a quieter time

Serán éstas las galletas que comió Alicia y que la hicieron crecer tanto?

Could these cookies be the ones Alice ate to grow up? 

O estas rosas de chocolate?

Or these chocolate roses?

No son las únicas dulzuras de la tarde

But these are not the only sweets

Una de las invitadas llegó un poco tarde. Parece tener algún parentesco con uno de los protagonistas, no?

One guest arrived a little late. She looks like one of the characters, doesn't she? 

El Té de Locos sigue y todos los invitados siguen divirtiéndose pero me voy a ir despidiendo... 

This Mad Tea Party goes on and guests continue having fun but I'm going to say goodbye...

para que tengan tiempo de ir a visitar otros locos...digo, otras meriendas.... ACÁ

so you have time to visit other mad ones...ehrrr...other tea parties...HERE

Espero que les haya gustado.
Hasta la próxima!

Hope you like it.
See you soon!

Estoy participando en
I am joining

Wow Us Wednesdays     Savvy Southern Style
Tea Cup Tuesday    Artful Affirmations
Tuesday Cuppa Tea  Antiques and Teacups 

A Return to Loveliness   A Delightsome Life

Saturday Nite Special  Funky Junk Interiors

Nifty Thrifty Sunday     Nifty Thrifty Things
Open House Party    No Minimalist Here

43 comentarios:

  1. Oh what a sweet tea party, thank you for inviting and also for visiting my party too :)

  2. This is the cutest tea party ever! I love the baker cat teacup and the yummy yellow drinks :) I'm happy to return the visit, happy mad tea party!

  3. I love all the fab little details in your tea party, like the rabbit on your cutlery and how the key is the same as in the book. Brilliant!

  4. Espectacular todo!!!
    Las fiestas que organiza Vanessa Valencia son super alegres y creativas.
    Un beso

  5. Those sweets look amazingly yummy!

    Happy Mad Tea Party!

    Please come take a cuppa with me at my party, link here: http://idlebakes.blogspot.co.uk/2012/07/a-mad-tea-party-in-idle-wonderland.html

  6. Tal como nos tenes acostumbradas; todo hermoso! hasta el ultimo detalle!!

  7. Your teacup collection are wonderful!


  8. Magnifico con todo tipo de detalles
    Apetece sentarse a tomar el té

    gracias por compartir

  9. mmmmm!!!! Todo luce muy rico y divertido!!!!

  10. Thankyou for the invite. I will definitely ahve a cake pop! xxx


  11. What a fun party!! I love the beautiful teacups, especially the one with the little cats :) And those little cakes are just too adorable! Thank you so very much for inviting me :) ~Lauren

  12. I adore your treats, tablescape, and dishes! What fun!
    hope you can pop over to my parties!

  13. Such a fun Mad Tea Party - and such delightful treats, too! Thank you for inviting me. I hope that you will come and visit with me, too. http://faeriemooncreations.blogspot.com/2012/07/mad-tea-party-post-and-giveaway.html
    Sincerely, Theresa :)
    Happy Mad Tea Party Day!

  14. Wonderful Party! Thank you! I LoVE ALL your Adorable tea cups and your sweet rabbit spoon and sweets!
    Gracious, Kelly

  15. Hello fellow tea partier! Love that sketch image of Alice.

    Give me a visit some time ~

  16. Magical party! Please stop by mine if you can! :)

  17. Sooooo beautiful!!!! Tesoros!!! Que fotos tan mas bellas!!! Lindas!!! Mil gracias por participar!! Besos, Vanessa ;)

    Happy Mad Tea Partying!
    ♥ Vanessa {a fanciful twist}

  18. Thank you for the fantastical treat!!! I love the cupcakes wearing hearts.


  19. What wonderful tea cups you have! Its a beautiful collection! Thank you for inviting me to your tea party! I do hope you will come visit mine!

  20. A truly beautiful tea party! Thank you so much for inviting me! I love all your tea cups!


  21. I had a very fun time at your party.
    Such wonderful and playful tea sets you have.

    I am fascinated by that mushroom at the top, with secret holes to hide treasures.
    And the giant teacup in the lawn! I wish those would grow in my yard!

  22. Dearest Silvina,
    I had a delightful time at your lovely tea party. I so enjoyed all the little tea cups. Beautiful. And your sweets were just devine

    Thank you for inviting me. Oh please do drop in for a Spoonful of Mad Tea over on the Other Side of Wonderland
    Wishes and Whimsy
    Wendy from Wonderland


  23. What a beautiful tea set! It's lovely! The treats look yummy yummy yummy! Thank you for having me.

  24. Oh my, I love your te de locos! So many scrumptious treats to choose from, but I think the chocolate rose is my favorite. The tea cups are lovely with all the scenes of children playing. Thanks for sharing! ~Michelle

  25. Ohhh...i love it...all the wonderful things and treats...cute...cute...cute
    Have a wonderful summerime


  26. so glad you joined in all the fun! i had a lovely time!
    thanks for having me

  27. Qué preciosidad...Me encantaría estar en esa merienda tomando el té!Y admirar toda esa vajilla vintage de cerca...Tienes,Silvina,auténticos tesoros!!bssss!!!

  28. Such perfect little heart cookies, and wondrous that you have the same key! It makes me wonder, if correctly I saunter, maybe I can find a key for me! :)

  29. What a lovely party. My favourites are the rabbit spoon and the tea cup with cats. Oh, and the heart cookies!

    Thank you for inviting me!


  30. What a fun post! You have a wonderful collection of children's theme china. Your table is lovely and I love your treats! Thanks so much for sharing and linking to Tuesday Cuppa Tea!

  31. What a very beautiful party you had! I love all of your sweet little dishes!!! Your creativity is very much appreciated and welcome to The Mad Tea Parties!!

    Won't you please visit mine when you have the chance?


    Wishing you a beautiful day!


  32. What a great tea party! Loved it all. You are very clever. Thank you so much for inviting us to the party. It was a pleasure. Blessings, Martha

  33. Dios mio, que maravilla de pagina. Todas las tazas estan preciosas, pero casi lloro cuando vi las de La Caperucita Roja. Siempre fue el cuento favorito de mi ninez. Cuantas emociones. Tengo que volver con mas tiempo en la manana, con una taza de cafe (shhhh...me gusta mas que el te). ;)

    Gracias por visitar nuestra pagina.
    Colorin colorado, este cuento NO se ha acabado. . .

  34. Gracias de nuevo, Silvina. Regrese con mi cafe como lo prometi. ;) Tantos detalles tan lindos. Me encanta el adorno de las servilletas, y las cucharas con conejito.

    Te deseo mil maravillas!

  35. What a lovely spread! Your centerpiece is just lovely!

  36. LOVE your sweet blog:) New follower here! Thank you for stopping by my blog and your nice comments. Realy appreciate it. I'll be back to say hello:)
    ~Debra xxx
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  37. Divina tu mesa, hermoso tu relato y tenía una taza con conejitos como la última... era de mi mamá...parecida, pero se rompío y guardé el pedacito...
    Un abrazo!!!!

  38. Me ha encantado esta merienda!


  39. just adorable!
    amanda from www.creatingdomesticbliss.blogspot.ca
