martes, 3 de septiembre de 2013

Baby's Plate y Recuerdos de la Realeza...... Baby's Plate and Royal Commemorative

Hoy voy a mostrarles unos platos infantiles muy originales y muy antiguos

Today I'll share some very old and singular deep bowls

tienen un borde alto que permitía mantener la temperatura de la comida del bebé y un dibujo en el centro

they have a rolled edge that keeps the baby food warm and an illustration inside

La mayoría de ellos tiene la leyenda "Baby's Plate" (Plato de bebé) y algún cuento tradicional

Most of them are marked "Baby's Plate" and are illustrated with nursery rhymes

como el de Sing a Song of Sixpence, del que ya hablé ACÁ

like this about Sing a Song of Sixpence, of which I spoke HERE

o This is the House that Jack Built (Esta es la casa que Jack construyó)

or This is the House that Jack Built

y también el de Little Bo Peep (La Pastorcita)

and also Little Bo Peep 

que es un poco distinto a los demás en cuanto a su forma, más ovalada. Acá lo pongo al lado de otro para que se vea la diferencia

it's a little different from the others in terms of shape, more oval. Here I put it side by side with another one so you can appreciate the difference

Y para terminar -ya que todos estos platos son ingleses-, uno celebrando la coronación del rey Jorge VI y la reina Isabel que tuvo lugar en la Abadía de Westminster, Londres, el 12 de Mayo de 1937

And at last -as all of them are English plates- one commemorating the coronation of George VI and his wife Elizabeth as king and queen, that took place at Westminster Abbey, London, on 12 May 1937

que me recuerda este souvenir del casamiento de Diana con el príncipe Guillermo el 29 de Julio de 1981 en la Catedral de St Paul

that reminds me this commemoration of Charles, Prince of Wales and Diana wedding, that took place on 29 July 1981 at St Paul's Cathedral

Pero yo comparto acá vajilla infantil y me parece que me fui de rubro....Oops! creo que esto no es para niños...

But here I always share my children's ware with you and I think I'm going off topic...Oops! I think this is not for kids...

Espero que les haya gustado.
Hasta la próxima!

I hope you liked it.
See you soon!

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18 comentarios:

  1. Creo que nunca había visto éste tipo de platos, siempre me sorprendés! Cuántos años hace que coleccionás?

  2. Sing a Song of Sixpence has to be my favourite, what glorious artwork on that bowl!

  3. I love the old nursery rhymes... my Dad always said them to us.. nice post love you children's dishes.. with love Janice have a great new week..

  4. Hi my friend! I so love your children's plates. You have an amazing collection. Each plate cuter than the next. I think you are the only person with a blog that collects children's plates. I love visiting you each week. Thank you for the sweet comment about my granddaughter's legs, she is amazing. Blessings dear friend. Martha

  5. Me muero de amor con el primero, de la gallina y los pollitos! Besos

  6. No puedo creer la vajilla que tenés, las historias...todo!Bellisima!

  7. Oh I always love your childrens' pottery, but I ESPECIALLY love the one with King George and Queen Elizabeth! I collect all kinds of old Royalty china, but I've never seen a baby bowl with this image! Very nice!

  8. Que maravilla las vajillas que tienes,, donde encuentras esos tesoros.. ?

  9. WOW donde tenías esos tesoros reales!?!?!?! creo que la próxima visita voy con camarita jejeje... besos... divino tu post!

  10. me encanto el mas ovaladito! pobres bebes comiendo del plato con la cara de los reyes no?! al menos a mi me parece raro :) un beso!

  11. Una preciosura todos tus platos sin excepción gracias por mostrárnoslo tienes una colección maravillosa besitos

  12. Me encantan,Silvina,esos entrañables platos y cuentos!!!

  13. You have such a wonderful collection of these adorable plates! I've only seen one or two of the baby plates, but I do have a couple of the "commemorative" items. Love these!!

  14. I love your baby plates!!!! I've got 2 Bunnykins & think that is special - you have a whole wonderful collection. I also like the Hilda Boswell illustrations you've included with them - a real memory from childhood!

  15. I love the one with the chickens and Tortoise (I used to have a tortoise when I was a little girl).
    I collect royal commemorative items, but I’ve never seen a baby plate before, it's lovely.

  16. What a nice collection of the baby plates! I have some liquor decanters, they can be collectibles all in another category! Thank you for joining HSH!

  17. These plates are amazing - love the shape and their artwork - Love your royal commemorative dishes too - treasures! I do appreciate you sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,

  18. Que bonitos son los platos de bebe!! Tienen tanto encanto!!
    Una maravilla de post!!
