La verdad que no recuerdo que de chica me atrapara mucho Alicia en el País de las Maravillas, pero a partir de mi interés por las imágenes de viejos cuentos infantiles hoy sus ilustraciones me atrapan.
Por eso me entusiasma participar por segunda vez en el Mad Tea Party que convoca hace siete años Vanessa, de "A Fanciful Twist" con una producción llena de fantasía que no pueden dejar de visitar
When I was a little girl I really wasn't a fan of Alice in Wonderland, but my interest for children's stories illustrations made me enthusiastic about it.
So I'm excited to participate for the second time at the Mad Tea Party that Vanessa, from A Fanciful Twist, have been hosting for the last seven years, with a production full of fantasy that you can not miss
Sabemos que todo empezó cuando Alicia, que estaba escuchando un cuento que le leía su hermana, vio pasar al Conejo Blanco murmurando que llegaba tarde mientras miraba su reloj bolsillo
We know that it all started when Alice, who was listening to a story her sister was reading, witnessed the White Rabbit muttering that he was late as he looked at his pocket watch
y a partir de ahí tantas situaciones de fantasía desde que encontró una linda casa
and then lots of fantasy situations since she found a nice house
y una botellita tentadora
and a tempting little bottle
y de distintos tamaños, ya que Alicia se achicaba y se agrandaba
and of various sizes, as Alice shrank and enlarged
y, aunque no es el Conejo de Alicia, había que acercarse al tema con algunos parientes...
and, although they are not Alice's White Rabbit, we replaced him with some relatives ...
que no sólo vinieron en tazas sino también en una dulce cucharita
they not only came in cups but also in a sweet little spoon
y tampoco puedo invitarlos a un Té sin ricos dulces
and I can not invite you to a Tea party without some yummy treats
aunque no se si se arriesgarán con este bocado
although I don't know if you will take the risk of eating this bite of cake

Por eso me entusiasma participar por segunda vez en el Mad Tea Party que convoca hace siete años Vanessa, de "A Fanciful Twist" con una producción llena de fantasía que no pueden dejar de visitar
When I was a little girl I really wasn't a fan of Alice in Wonderland, but my interest for children's stories illustrations made me enthusiastic about it.
So I'm excited to participate for the second time at the Mad Tea Party that Vanessa, from A Fanciful Twist, have been hosting for the last seven years, with a production full of fantasy that you can not miss
Sabemos que todo empezó cuando Alicia, que estaba escuchando un cuento que le leía su hermana, vio pasar al Conejo Blanco murmurando que llegaba tarde mientras miraba su reloj bolsillo
We know that it all started when Alice, who was listening to a story her sister was reading, witnessed the White Rabbit muttering that he was late as he looked at his pocket watch
y a partir de ahí tantas situaciones de fantasía desde que encontró una linda casa
and then lots of fantasy situations since she found a nice house
y una botellita tentadora
and a tempting little bottle
(Drink Me- Bébeme)
Por supuesto tazas no faltan acá
Of course, lots of teacups here
y de distintos tamaños, ya que Alicia se achicaba y se agrandaba
and of various sizes, as Alice shrank and enlarged
y, aunque no es el Conejo de Alicia, había que acercarse al tema con algunos parientes...
and, although they are not Alice's White Rabbit, we replaced him with some relatives ...
que no sólo vinieron en tazas sino también en una dulce cucharita
they not only came in cups but also in a sweet little spoon
y tampoco puedo invitarlos a un Té sin ricos dulces
and I can not invite you to a Tea party without some yummy treats
aunque no se si se arriesgarán con este bocado
although I don't know if you will take the risk of eating this bite of cake
(Cómeme- Eat Me)
Los invitados se fueron retirando, el té va llegando al final y no puedo despedirme sino con la versión de Alicia que me acompañó en mi infancia
The guests have already gone, the tea is coming to an end and I can not say goodbye without sharing the version of Alicia that accompanied me in my childhood
y los invito a que vayamos a visitar otros Mad Tea Party que seguro nos sorprenderán con gran creatividad.
Muchas gracias Vanessa por tu invitación! Tus fiestas son geniales!
and I invite you to go and visit others Mad Tea Party that I'm sure will surprise us with great creativity.
Vanessa, thank you very much for your invitation! Your parties are really great!
Si quieren visitar mi Mad Tea Party anterior pueden pasar por ACÁ
If you want to visit my previous Mad Tea Party you can visit HERE
Espero que les haya gustado.
Hasta la próxima!
I hope you liked it.
See you soon!
Estoy participando en:
I'm joining
How wonderful! You have such a lovely collection- I LOVE the little teapot and cup necklace!
Great old vintage book! I do hope you will come visit my little tea party and Giveaway!
ResponderEliminarI really enjoyed your tea party and seeing the Alice ephemera... very interesting. :-)
Silvina, your beautiful post has given me the largest smile, big enough for a Cheshire Cat!
ResponderEliminarI love the illustrations and your wonderful imagination.
Hay tantos libros que no gustaban mucho cuando estaba pequeña--creo que yo no los entendía todavia. La historia de Alicia fue uno de esos. Pero ahora? Me encanta!
ResponderEliminarThanks a bunch for sharing such delicious trip down memory lane. ;-)
Here is Drusilla's Haunting Mad Tea Party.
You have a beautiful collection of treasures and artwork, I've really enjoyed visiting and the little treats you prepared were delicious.
ResponderEliminarHola bonita senorita! :) I truly enjoyed visiting and had just as much fun eating treats (yes I was brave enough to try the cake! Muy delicioso!) as I did reading Spanish-to-English. I grew up in Miami but now reside in Tallahassee, and it's not nearly as culturally diverse as my hometown was. :)
ResponderEliminarThanks for a lovely time and hope to see you soon too!!
I loved all the whimsy at your party. Your tea party collection is amazing. Thanks for inviting me!
ResponderEliminarWhat a fun visit for the Mad Tea Party 2014. I enjoyed it all and especially loved the tiny teapot and cup - was it a necklace? It was adorable! Thank you for such a nice visit. My tea party is at Have a lovely day!
ResponderEliminarNice little and funny mad tea party...happy unbirthday to you...
ResponderEliminarKerstin from germany
Cobblestone Prims
Thank you for sharing such a lovely and interesting collections of books and teacups! Very creative!!!
ResponderEliminarYour pastries look delicious too! Yum!!! Cheers! ;)
Your tea set and spoon are so lovely for sipping tea!!
ResponderEliminarYou're welcome to stop by for a cup of tea @
I love this, Silvina! How sweet to see this story in another language and culture. Thanks for sharing your treasures with us..what a treat!
I had a wonderful time at your party. Your dishes are beautiful and love everything. Thank you for having me. Please visit me:
I loved looking at your beautiful photos and the luscious treats you served. I want to skip dinner tonight and just go for sweets.
ResponderEliminarabsolutely delightful! Lovely tea party! Love all your photos of your party!
ResponderEliminarI enjoyed my visit to your Mad Tea Party....the vintage illustrations were sweet, as were the pastries!
ResponderEliminarI love it! And seeing the tale in Spanish, beyond wonderful!! The treats and unreal amazing!!!
ResponderEliminarThank you so much for joining in the Mad Tea magic!
A very merry unbirthday to you!
<3 Vanessa {A Fanciful Twist}
¡¡¡¡¡¡Como me gustan tus tazas!!!!!!! y los dibujos de tus cuentos antiguos me encantan.....Felicidades,,,,casi me has transportado al pais de las maravillas. Un saludo Mery
ResponderEliminarOh how beautifully delicate everything at your tea party is...and yes...I would eat the cake lol :D XXX
ResponderEliminarMaravillas! Como siempre, tanta belleza en tu hogar, Silvina.
ResponderEliminarMe alegré muchísimo al leer tu nombre en la lista de invitados de Vanessa.
Que sigan los sueños!
Such cute little tea cups, they are adorable.
ResponderEliminarThank you for such a lovely party.
¡Me gusta tanto pasar a visitarte ! es un placer para la vista ,tu blog si que es como " un cuento " lleno de imágenes bellas! Saludos.
ResponderEliminarThat was a lovely party, I am so glad I came!
ResponderEliminarThank you for having me,
The things you have included in your tea party are so beautiful!!! I especially love the tiny tea necklace, beautiful!
Fabulous!! Your celebration is delightful, my Dear...I'm so glad I stopped by!
Qué gusto da siempre llegar aquí Silvina!! Esta vez además, de fiesta.....
ResponderEliminarUnas fotos preciosas y toda esa vajilla divina de cuento que has ido encontrando.....O tal vez te encontró ella a ti !!
Besitosss, feliz semana!
What a delightful little necklace! I love all the decorations!
ResponderEliminarHacia tiempo que no pasaba a visitarte, por esas cosas de andar a las corridas siempre.Que divinas tus tazas , tus cuentos y tus imágenes, cada vez que paso lo disfruto muchísimo, algunas me llevan a muchos años atrás, cuando descubro algún libro antiguo que leí de chica o a imágenes de libros de mi mamá de cuando era chica y mi abuela me los prestaba...No tengo una colección, pero los que pude rescatar los guardo con mucho amor.Me encanta leerte!
ResponderEliminarSaludos y buena semana!
silvina..... como siempre tus relatos, puro amor y ternura!!! mi hija creo que moriria con tus cuentos (que aman!!!) y vajilla!!!! divino post, amo a alicia!!! besos
ResponderEliminarWhat a lovely way to tell the story, the pictures match the text really well. I love the cakes, too and the pretty rabbit cups. Thank you for inviting me!
ResponderEliminarThe sweets were a total delight.
ResponderEliminarThanks for the tea.
Your photographs were wonderful.
The children's cups and dishes were wonderful.
I enjoyed the visit.
What a beautiful post!
I have seen a few of these Mad Tea Party posts and they are so much fun / yours as well ! :) So pretty !
ResponderEliminarYou have all the necessary items to hold a magical Mad Tea Party, Silvina! What a fun idea!
ResponderEliminarYour Mad Tea Party is adorable!! Wish I could come by to enjoy.
ResponderEliminarThanks so much for stopping by for a visit.
Mary Alice
Hello Silvina, sorry I’ve not been over for a while I’ve been away on holiday. Glad I called in today though as I love Alice in Wonderland, the Marjorie Torrey illustrations are some of my favourites.
ResponderEliminarI could not resist a bite of the cake – oh my goodness, what’s happening? I'm getting smaller and smaller and ……
LOVED this! I've been looking at Alice in Wonderland quotes of late - beautiful post! I appreciate you sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,
Such a beautiful story!!!!!
ResponderEliminarJust love it
Como he disfrutado!! Me has llevado como Alicia poco a poco a tu mundo de fantasia!! Que maravilla Silvina!! Que fotos, cuantas preciosidades!!
ResponderEliminarMuchos besos!